Name: George
Height: 2'3''
Weight 11 lbs.
Eyes: Black and Tiny
Last seen talking to a man in a yellow hat.
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of this missing monkey, please call
1 (800) BS-BOOKS or
email: bottomshelfbooks@gmail.com.
Check the White House:
Since that link above doesn't seem to work, here's the article from the Courant that it's supposed to go to.
Now i'll head down to Pennsylvania Avenue and rescue our curious little friend. If i'm not back in half and hour, search Dick Cheney's basement.
WATERBURY - To promote reading, first lady Laura Bush brought Curious George for show and tell Tuesday at Driggs Elementary School. She left the other George at home.
"I'm Laura Bush," said the first lady, introducing herself with a smile to 17 second-graders seated in a semi-circle on a blue rug in the school's L-shaped reading nook.
Bush and U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings, who once clashed with Connecticut officials over President Bush's No Child Left Behind Act, used the school as a backdrop to announce $18 million in library grants awarded Tuesday to 300 schools in 28 states.
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* First Lady Visits State Photos
"I brought one of my favorite books," she told the children, holding up a copy of "Curious George Visits the Library." "And it's about a library. And it's also about who?"
On cue, the children yelled, "Curious George!"
"Curious George. That's right, and you know what curious means?" asked Bush, a former teacher and school librarian. "It means interested in things."
Waterbury is the recipient of nearly $300,000 under the federal program, Improving Literacy Through Libraries.
Bush read aloud to the children, who are enrolled in a summer reading program. She then briefly addressed teachers and librarians in the school cafeteria.
"These resources will help librarians in 78 of our nation's most impoverished school districts expand and upgrade their school library collections," Bush said.
On the way back to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, she stopped in Hartford to visit the home of a favorite author, Mark Twain, where a half-dozen anti-war protesters stood across the street.
"I want Laura to tell George to stop the war," said Meg Scata, who described herself as a librarian in Portland.
On the other side of Farmington Avenue, Bush was taken on a tour of the rambling Victorian home where Twain lived from 1874 to 1891, a period in which he wrote a half-dozen major works, including "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court."
"Many scholars think that Mark Twain was the first real American writer; that most writers before Mark Twain wrote in really sort of the English novel tradition and not only was his style American, but obviously his subject was so American," Bush said as she stood in the home's library. "So I love having the chance to be here."
A storm forced Bush to cancel a planned trip to the landmark in April. She dropped in Tuesday on a workshop for three dozen middle and high school teachers.
"And, as it turned out, it was perfect to be here today because today teachers from around the country are here for a week of seminars, a seminar that is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities," Bush said.
The first lady, who has long championed literacy, contradicted her husband a few years ago after he announced that he doesn't read newspapers.
"He does read the papers, of course," Bush told The New York Times in February 2004. "I mean we've read the newspapers for years. It's our morning ritual, since the day we married."
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