Thanks to author/illustrator Barbara Johansen Newman for hitting me with a Thinking Blogger Award. It's an honor and the first award I've gotten since I won the dubious "Looks Surprisingly Hot in a Skirt" Award from my ultimate frisbee team (an award that I definitely deserved, but it was a dubious distinction nonetheless).
I'm not sure what to make of the logo, which looks like some kind of baby alien with a tattoo of the recycling symbol on its forehead. Which I guess is appropriate. It is very thoughtful of this alien life form from a distant galaxy to concern itself with our humble planet's environmental needs.
Thank you Barbara, and thank you tattooed alien baby!
CONGRATS! where are you going to keep your award? on a shelf? in your office? and now that you have achieved this level of success, where will you go from here? what more is there you would like to achieve? and what advice do you have for aspiring bloggers (meaning, bloggers who never really get around to blogging even though they have a semi-blog on myspace)?
Thanks for visiting our blog yesterday, and congrats on the award. I left a comment at our blog that we at 7-Imp love your blog and want to marry it.
Well deserved.
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