19 November 2007

Going once, Going twice... SOLD for a good cause!

The Robert's Snow Auction is underway! (Officially at 9am on Monday.) So you better hurry and put in your bid for an original work of art from your favorite illustrator and support a great cause while you're at it.

Now, if you're one of those people who only likes to buy art from people you know... I completely understand. Luckily for you, illustrators were all interviewed, profiled, poked, and prodded so you getting to know them is just a few clicks away! Check out links to all the interviews here.

To whet your appetite before you embark on your wild spending spree, here is a sample of some awesome snowflakes. Enjoy!

"Wisconsin Snow" by Erin Eitter Kono

"Fishmas Tree Topper" by Patrick Girouard

"Max and Boris Dancing for You!" by Barbara Garrison


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Unknown said...

The Robert's Snow Auction is in progress! (Authoritatively at 9am on Monday.)Need Help With Homework
So you better rush and put in your bid for a unique show-stopper from your number one artist and backing an extraordinary reason while you're grinding away.