07 February 2008

Alexander, Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday

Author: Judith Viorst
Illustrator: Ray Cruz

All this week, football fans across the nation are sympathizing with young Alexander. With all the betting that goes on around the Superbowl, many Americans used to be rich last Sunday. I mean, the Patriots seemed like such a lock...

It just goes to show, gambling is bad. Are you listening, kids? Gambling. Bad. Don't turn away, take a good hard look at that picture of poor Alexander and you'll see the fate that awaits you if you enter into the shady world of sports gambling. If you're not careful, you could be that loser in the unlucky football jersey standing alone with empty pockets and a deflated spirit. Don't let that be you.

Luckily, I don't gamble on sports (not that I have any money to gamble with anyways), so I didn't lose any money by betting on my Patriots (I know they cheated, but your team is your team).

Even though I didn't lose money and even though it is just a sport, as a Pats fan, I still feel like I've lost something on Sunday. I mean, as if this miracle play wasn't bad enough...

...someone had to go convert the play into the following clip, which has to potential to simultaneously taint a great Radiohead song and the memory of my favorite Nintendo game.

I may not have lost any money on last Sunday's game, but like Alexander, I felt much richer last Sunday.


Michael said...
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vi said...

We just did a math lesson with this book! It's part of the Hedging-Your-Bets Unit. Next we're doing Rugs: How to Sweep Things Under It (a lesson on place value).

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking that in supplement to the Advertisminht and other money making ideas you should write a book. Here is a premise for you. There is a small town girl who lives a lonely life without much excitement. she runs away, just wanting to go anywhere but where she is. There is also a city boy who lives a rock and roll lifestyle, but it really gets to him so he too runs away, just wanting to go anywhere. It may be a better book for the teenage/young adult world, but i think it would work.

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